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Letter from George Mason describing the Boston Massacre |
Today, we mark the 250th Anniversary of the Boston Massacre (the Riot on King Street), where British soldiers fired on and killed five members of a mob in colonial Boston. This event had repercussions far in excess of the tragic loss of life: deepening the feeling of mistrust felt by the colonial populace towards the British government and regular troops in America. Today, in order to commemorate the anniversary, I have transcribed two accounts of the night of the massacre found in the British National Archives, and my patreon supporters will be able to read an entire letter from Captain Thomas Preston, the man in command of the troops during the massacre, describing the aftermath of the massacre and his trial. To my knowledge, these accounts have not been published elsewhere, but as a specialist in German Central Europe, I am very open to being corrected on that point.
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Paul Revere's Depiction of the Masscare |
I have retained the spelling of the original. The author of the first letter was not the famous Virginian founding father, but rather a man living in Boston. When reading these sources, it is important to keep in mind that they were solicited by a defendant in ongoing legal proceedings, by those willing to communicate with an individual who at that point, was one of the most hated individuals in Boston.
[Statement from George Mason to Captain Thomas Preston]
Sir Boston, 3 Apr 1770
On Monday the 5th as I was going towards the Northward, I heard the Bells ringing for Fire, and I saw a very considerable number of people in the streets armed with clubs, (which from a former observation, I immediately concluded to be a Mob) this was previous to the firing; on my return to the Southward I heard a drum beat to arms, and saw a great number of people actually with firelocks on their shoulders advancing towards King's Street. If you think my evidence is necessary to confirm the above, you may freely command.
Your Most Humbl Servt.
George Mason
[Statement from Richard Silvester to Captain Thomas Preston]
Sir April the 3rd 1770
This Morning a sergeant came to me (as he said) from you, requesting that I would acquaint you of what particulars I knew of the transactions on Monday Evening the 5th past.As I was not out of my house, I can only inform you that towards the evening, I went at different times into the shop, and observed several companys pass by, with Clubs in their hands towards Liberty Tree, which gave one suspicion that a Mob was gathering; I afterwards was informed they did not meet there or near the Place, and at dark, proceeded over the Common towards Cornhill soon afterwards the Bells rang and Fire was cried, I went to the door and asked where the Fire was, was answered in Kingstreet: I saw one Engine going from the Southward which was soon returned back but I did not see any Buckets carryed but observed several people had great Clubs in their hands, which confirmed me in the opinion it was a Mob that occasioned this alarm, some time after (but the particular time I can't say) a drum beat to arms at the Southend, for upwards of an Hour, and I saw numbers pass by toward Cornhill with firelocks.
I am sincerely sorry for your Calamity, and am with due Regard
Your Real Friend and Humble Servant
Richard Silvester
[Letter from Captain Thomas Preston to the Secretary of War, Lord Barrington]
My Lord Boston Goal June 25th 1770
As I expect that Col Evelyn is on his way here, I know of none so conspicuously the friend of the Military people in distress as your Lordship, to whom I could apply. I have therefore taken the liberty of inclosing a copy of affidavits concerning the 5th March last should they be wanted. I sent some home before, but they are included in these and are attested by the Justice before whom the Originals were sworn, and whose hand Sir Tos. Barnard well knows.
The madness of the people is so great, that evidence are afraid to appear for us, may they have declared publickly, that if a jury should acquit us or we should receive his Majesty's pardon, not a man of us should go alive out of town. Even their pulpits are echoing persecution against us, and that blood crys to heaven for vengeance. [For the rest of this letter, and Barrington's response, join us on patreon]
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Alex Burns
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