Dear Reader,
Someone very close to me pointed out recently that my blog appeared to be dead. As a result, I have decided to give you all an update as to my whereabouts over the past few months. Fear not, Kabinettskriege will continue. The update takes the form of a photo journal.
The Society of the Cincinnati
In late August, I was fortunate enough to travel in order to research at the Society of the Cincinnati Library.
Metro Exit near the Society of the Cincinnati Library |
Central Reading Room |
My faithful friend: the mircofilm reader. |
An orderly book from the Sullivan Campaign |
Into the Stacks |
The Anderson House |
George Washington Statuary |
Reenactor Photos
Fall is a primary season for reenacting, and I was able to get pictures at a number of events.
As many of you are aware, I have obtained a one-year visiting professor position at Indiana Wesleyan University.
Yorktown Battlefield Photos
American Siege Lines at Yorktown |
View towards British Lines, Yorktown |
View back towards French Battery |
Remains of Redoubt 10 |
Panorama of Redoubt #9
Thanks for Reading,
Alex Burns
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